What Is the Difference Between a Breast Augmentation and Breast Implants? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

There are many reasons why women seek out breast augmentation. Improved self-esteem, the desire for a younger and more vital look, and returning to a pre-pregnancy figure can all be factors in the decision. But when evaluating any procedure, it’s important that you fully understand the terms that are used, and that includes understanding what is the difference between breast augmentation and breast

What Is Breast Augmentation? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

Breast augmentation is a general term for any cosmetic surgical procedure that enhances the size of your breasts. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular body-shaping cosmetic procedures in the world. Why? Many women simply want larger, fuller breasts. Still others seek out breast augmentation to correct an uneven bosom, or because they’ve lost one or both breasts to cancer or some other trauma.

Thanks to advances in breast augmentation techniques over the past decade, these surgeries are now achieving results that look and feel more natural than ever.

Will Augmentation Make My Breasts Perkier? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

Breast augmentation enhances the size of the breasts, making them look larger and fuller, but it doesn’t lift the breasts. If perkier breasts are what you’re after, a different procedure, known as a breast lift, may be the better choice for you.

As its name implies, a breast lift repositions, lifts, and reshapes the breasts. Breast lifts are sometimes sought out by women who have sagging breasts after a pregnancy or following extreme weight loss.

Combining a breast augmentation procedure with a breast lift is yet another option that some women choose.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

Breast augmentation candidates should be nonsmoking women who are generally in good health and have a stable weight. Patients should not be pregnant or breastfeeding. Beyond those general health parameters, any woman who wants larger breasts — either for improved physical appearance or to correct uneven breasts or other issues — is a good candidate for augmentation.

What Other Types of Breast Surgery Do You Perform? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

Breast surgery usually falls into one of three categories: augmentation, reduction, and reconstruction. Breast reduction surgery helps give the body a more proportional look while also easing the discomfort and back pain women with overly large breasts sometimes experience. Reconstruction surgery is most often performed on women who have lost one or both breasts due to mastectomy.

The goal of reconstructive surgery is usually to restore the breast, giving it as normal and natural an appearance as possible. Our practice performs all three types of breast surgery. We also offer a full line of other body-sculpting services.

Breast Augmentation vs Breast Implants: How Do They Compare? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

The terms breast augmentation and breast implant are sometimes used interchangeably, which can be confusing to patients. But the difference between breast augmentation vs breast implants is quite simple: breast augmentation is the name of a category of procedures that enlarge the breasts, while breast implants are synthetic parts that are surgically inserted to support the augmentation process.

What Are Breast Implants? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

A breast implant is a prosthetic that is inserted into the breast to enhance its size. Breast implants are one of the more common types of breast augmentation.

What If I Want Larger Breasts But Not Implants? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

There is another breast augmentation option available for women who want a larger bust but don’t like the idea of a silicone, saline, or gummy bear implant. Fat graft augmentation surgery, also known as fat transfer augmentation, uses fat from your own body to enlarge the breasts.


This technique is also sometimes referred to as natural breast enhancement or natural breast augmentation. During your consultation, we can discuss the various augmentation options and help determine the best procedure for you.

What Can I Expect During My Initial Consultation? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

The consultation is the first step, and we’ll talk with you about the breast size you’re aiming for and how you’d like your new bust to look. We’ll review the different types and sizes of implants you have to choose from, and you’ll be given the opportunity to try on different implant sizes to help with your decision.This will take place in Turkey with your surgeon.


If you have asymmetrical breasts — meaning one breast has a different size or shape than the other — we may suggest that you use a different implant size in each breast to even things out. We’ll also talk with you about your ideal breast profile, which refers to how much your breasts point out from the chest.

What Can I Expect From the Breast Implant Procedure? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

Breast implant surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis. Most patients are under general anesthesia, meaning they’re asleep during the procedure. The surgery usually lasts around three hours.

What Are the Main Types of Breast Implants? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

There are three main types of breast implants: silicone, saline, and gummy bear.

What Are the Benefits of Breast Implants? style="enable-background:new 0 0 13 15;" xml:space="preserve"> style="enable-background:new 0 0 12.9 2;" xml:space="preserve">

More and more women are turning to breast implants. That’s because this procedure offers a number of different benefits, including convenience, a range of implant sizes and shapes to select from, and predictable results.