"Hi everyone I came over for my Granny Glow up on 29th Nov, had a gastric sleeve in March and was 5st down and at the weight I wanted to be of 12st. My aim wasn’t to be a skinny minny but to be happier with my body, healthier and a better version of myself. I can remember as far back as I can go that my Mum didn’t like me, she didn’t hide it and said it often enough and in my late teens I turned to food for comfort. That began for me, 30 odd years of weight fluctuations, fad diets, shakes, pills, tablets injections and far too many casual men in an effort to feel beautiful and loved. I ruined my body, my health and my mind and after becoming estranged from my family around 2016 I did get healthier and finally got off of anxiety tablets and my mind was my own again and my friend but my over eating was always a problem. I saw Ace on Facebook and booked in for a MMO, but after seeing reviews and journeys I knew I had to sort out my eating habits first and had my Gastric sleeve. It was the best decision, it gave me control over food, it made me important for the first time because I needed nutritional food for my needs not just lots of food. As the weight dropped off me, my old face began appearing out of my fat head and it was like seeing an old friend again. My confidence soared and I was just so so happy. My surgeon was Dr S and he was amazing, so professional, kind and with his support, the hospital staff and the Ace team I had no worries and can 100% recommend this procedure to get a grip on your weight issues and binge eating. But, after years of yo-yoing with weight loss my skin was terrible I am 53 so my skin wasn’t going to snap back it just hung, my boobs were different lengths and dangled down the front and sides like 80s curtain swags. I hated to look at myself naked and I was lucky that I had an inheritance to pay for skin removal and Ace once again came to my rescue. I kept changing my mind as to what I was going to have done and first thought about a bit at a time, but knew for me it was gonna be all or nothing. My body looked a mess and I looked like I was melting and I sent my embarrassing gross pictures over to Amy. Amy wasn’t concerned or grossed out in the slightest, I had normal loose skin after weight loss and she discussed with the surgeons solutions to sort it out. A ‘standard’ MMO wasn’t going to work with my body and Dr K had some tricks up his sleeve he wanted to try to cinch me in and sort out my wonky boobs which were going to be a really big job on their own. Dr K devised a tailored plan to suit my specified needs catering for all my nooks and crannys, I would be having extra incisions to remove the stubborn back fat and the weird rubber ring of fat that lay under my boobs. Extra scars I know, but scars fade and you cant see them through your clothes. Dr K was just as excited about getting it right as I was and went above and beyond to get the results we would both be happy with. The hospital staff were amazing and it was lovely to see some of the nurses who looked after me when I had my sleeve done. Supported throughout by Amy, Darren, Hakan and Paradis and it felt more like a holiday than a major life changing procedure. Paradis stayed with my till I went down and I was so excited, the surgical team seemed just as excited as I was and then sweet sweet sleep. The shaking and cold when your drifting in and out of sleep when you’re back in your room is frightening because your still medicated up to your eyeballs but its like a dream. The next day I felt more with it but when they tried to get me on my feet I passed out so had to spend the day lying down with my feet up. The first few days were emotional and uncomfortable, but immediate results with my body reminded me why I was doing it. Dr K was really pleased with my progress and although I felt like I had been hit by a bus was still able to get up and walk about and keep checking out my new boobies. Discharged back to the hospital with Paradis and once she left me to settle in, I was immediately terrified to be in charged of this body held together with tape and stitches. I am not responsible enough for this kind of thing look what I did with my last body. I feel weirdly protective of this new body, its brand new, its vulnerable and it’s a new start for me. I am four weeks PO this week and having good and bad days, I get tired easily but my incisions have all closed really well. I have a five 5p size wound on my boob where the tape pulled some skin off and am dressing it and keeping it clean. I wouldn’t have considered having any of this done without the guidance of Amy and the reviews and updates of previous patients on the ace group. It is frightening, painful and uncomfortable but so worth it in every way, I feel better every day and am so proud of having done the plastics on my own and seeing how my body is changing and looking so good. If you’re on the fence, just do it. My only regret is not having done it years ago”

"I don't even know where to start with my review but, I'll do my best. After joining ACE family few months ago, I followed everyone story and how positive everyone was and happy with the service provided. we flew out on 22nd September and met by beautiful Pardis on arrival with the driver. We felt at ease and knew we've done the right thing. Within 20 minutes(bearing on mind it was night time) we're in hospital and my obs were done so efficiently and taken back to hotel. The followung morning we're picked up 8.30 and whisked to hospital where I met Dr. S and what's a chilled out surgeon. More obs were done and then taken to the ward in our room. I was prepared for theatre by fabulous nurses and whisked within half an hour. The only thing i can remember is one of the theatre doctors telling me (you have a good sleep we'll see you in a couple of hours) well they definately saw me but I think I slept on and off for 30hrs which I put down to none sleep with anxiety and worry 2 weeks prior to surgery. Am not complained as I slept through the pain. With my sleeve surgery, I haven't explained any discomfort, sickness or lethargic. The nurses were extremely helpful, every 20 minutes were checking on me. The beddings were changed everyday and Stuart was well looked after, breakfast, lunch, tea and supper delivered everyday. I was discharged on monday as stuart was whisked for his dental appointment and back to the hotel I met the fabulous couple who made all this happen Amy Clarke and Darren clarke, well, at first I couldn't understand Darren he speak so fast, I found myself playing ping pong with my head but after a couple of minutes I got used to it. They made sure we had we had everything we needed and they were message away which made us feel so safe and made our stay comfy. I've always had problems with my gum and lost most of my teeth when i was early 20s, I wanted to see a dentist too just for consultation, when I told Amy and Darren, the best advice they gave more was I need to see a dentist not a cosmetic dentist thanks God they're there to guide me, my x-ray showed that in the next few years I would loose all the teeth Ive got left and can only wear dentures, as i had still got some bones for implant I made the big decision to get all my teeth removed and prepare my gum for implant next year. It's hasn't been easy but am coping knowing next year I'll be ok. I've lost over 2st, in 2 weeks I know everybody is different but considering that am struggling to eat due to sore gums, has also contributed to more weight loss. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thanks Amy Clarke, Darren Clarke, Hakan, Pardis, Dr, Dentist and all the girls as you've bn a big part for my journey. I will post my photos of my journey soon. Anyone stalking the page and want to change their life for better, do not hesitate go fo it you'll be in good hands”

"My journey starts way before I met Darren and Amy, a life of yo yo dieting but never really reaching a healthy BMI range. I was originally enquiring about a tummy tuck, however after speaking with Amy, hearing her experiences and doing some research myself I decided to have a gastric sleeve. Today marks 2 weeks since I had this procedure. Starting weight: 15 stone 7lbs Current weight: 14 stone 4lbs I’ll be honest, at first I felt a bit lost with it all, I had of course done my research but I am not used to being out of control and not knowing every single tiny detail. My first tip for anyone embarking on an Ace Journey is to let go, be laid back, accept that sometimes you can have too much information and just take each day as it comes. There is a great weight loss group chat that Amy added me too before I left for Turkey and the group are so supportive and informative alongside Amy. I was met at the airport by the lovely Melissa and went on to later meet Hakan whom is equally lovely (translators and all round helpers). Amy and Darren met me at the hotel on arrival and were instantly warming, Amy has a wicked sense of humour and her and Darren are so easy to get along with. My first evening was to settle in, followed by the next day going to hospital for my procedure. I was told to expect a 4 day stay at the hospital which was correct, the nurses were absolutely amazing, I only wish I could have spoken Turkish to tell them how lovely they all were. My surgeon was just ridiculously kind. He’s actually added me on Facebook and been messaging me since I left hospital to see how I am. When I went back to the hotel I was picked up by Melissa who helped me collect my medication and made sure I got back to my room ok. The 5 days that followed I felt really lucky to spend time with lovely girls whom all had different procedures, I never felt alone. I’ve made life long friends. My advice would be if you are coming for surgery don’t bring anyone with you, you’ll make friends there and you need your rest. I came alone and felt very grateful to have done so. Amy and Melissa took us girls to the salon where it was possible to have microblading, hair blow dried or any other hair treatments you’d like, manicures, pedicures. The only thing that needs booking is microblading and nails and this will be sorted for you if you ask Melissa and you’ll be given notice of when this is via the group chat that you join when you come to the hotel. I also had my teeth whitened whilst in Turkey, this was organised by Amy and on my return from the dentist I was embarrassed to realise the driver had understood when I’d said to the girls I was a bit disappointed with my teeth🤣 I wasn’t going to say anything as I don’t like to cause a fuss but Amy arranged for me to go back for a free top up the next day. Melissa also took myself and some of the other girls shopping which was a lot of fun. I would use Ace again 100%, I would just stress to new clients take each day as it comes, let yourself heal, don’t get hung up on small details and let the process happen, it isn’t like a normal holiday and you’ll know everything in good time. Come alone if possible it will improve an unforgettable and positive experience ♥️ thank you Amy and Darren 😃”

"What can I say? I went to Ace in March this year with my daughter as she had a sleeve, stayed in green beyza suites and room was gorgeous. The trip went according to plans, all went well and to date my daughter has lost 4 stone 👏. I knew right within the first day or so that this was a special group, the support given, the friendships made and the relaxed overall feel was what I needed and it was then I decided to book myself. Fast forward to June and I flew to turkey once again, accompanied by my husband and yep the daughter that had had the sleeve😂 So my op was on Monday 19th ( 1 week ago) and was a success, needed a transfusion ( I have haemophilia ) but otherwise great, everyone is so friendly, Amy & Darren come to see you every day (not while in hospital), hakan is there for all your translation needs and even does a bit of shopping 😂 and for the nursing staff and Dr S? Just brilliant, always checking your safety. I can’t thank Amy & Darren enough, they just make it , even treated us to a beautiful Italian meal. Lots of love ❤️ ”

"I have been looking into the gastric sleeve surgery for months now. Checking surgeons, looking at recommendations, reviews, packages and prices. Ace Medical Tourism, have been the best overall package for what I was looking for. For me, it wasn’t just about the price of the surgery (yes Its important too) but it was about the support and advice that was missing from all other companies that came along with it. It doesn’t have to be a scary and lonely experience. One company even tried to drop their prices to get me to go with them, to me that rings alarm bells. With Amy she has been always a message away and so helpful, added me to a support group- even before I paid any money 🤷‍♀️❤️”

"I booked in December 2021 for the 7th September and I never looked back . I was flat chested since loosing my pregnancy weight of my 3rd child and I had become so insecure . I wore dresses and tops and always had a big gap between the cup and my chest . I flew out alone on the 7th sept ( although not really alone I met the gorgeous Julie and Sharon also going for surgery with ace) I would say this is what put my mind at ease as Sharon had been previously and even though I read all the Facebook reviews there’s nothing like hearing someone’s first hand experience. When I arrived in turkey hakan, pardis and the driver were there waiting and took us Straight for pre ops . It was so daunting as my flight wasn’t in until 11 so it was around 12.30 doing pre ops , all were fine and really in depth . When I got up the next morning at the hotel I was picked up and taken to have my surgery hakan translated to the surgeon Dr C who was amazing I owe him any confidence I have gained . I got my breast augmentation that day at around 12 and I was up and walking about at 4 ! When I say I had no pain I really truly mean that . My only advice to girls who wear lashes TAKE THEM OFF , when I woke my eyes were stinging and I really struggled to see it was obviously due to lashes and the surgical tape ! Hospital stay was 1 night - nurses , doctors and surgeons were all great so kind and helpful. When I got back to the hotel I met some of the other girls and Amy and Daren who were so lovely I honestly don’t think you could not like them . Amy was like a big sister she took me under her wing as I was alone she took me to the salon , shopping and Amy and Daren took us out for Sunday dinner as a group which was so kind . I literally rave about Ace to everyone and after being in turkey surrounded by other people doing surgery’s and teeth with other company’s I now know how lucky I am to have went with ace ! I can’t even quite believe some of the horrors that other company’s put people through ! So yeah 10000/10 for me and my experience, I would go back in a heart beat and my life has changed from having boobs like snoopy ears to perky full boobies I love them!!”

"Folks if you are in doubt about going with Ace, don’t be! Read the reviews yourselves they speak volumes.”

"🚨If you’re thinking of bariatric surgery… talk with these guys🚨”

"I can honestly say, hand on heart, I haven’t felt more at ease- than I do with Amy and Darren.”

"That speaks volumes!! Darren was helpful with the deposit, payment plan and invoicing you the very same day. ”

"This morning I paid my deposit 🎉🎉🎉 and i fly out May this year😱.”

"I’m only at the beginning of my journey but will bring you guys along the way. From LRD (liver reduction diet)-surgery and the aftercare itself ”

"I feel in the best hands possible. ❤️"

"Well what can I say about Ace Medical from start to finish I had thee best time ."

"Watch this space!!"